With the right support,
into a sustainable professional future

Which grant is right for you?

Your coaching with AVGS-MAT

With your AVGS coaching, you benefit from funding from the Employment Agency or the Job Centre, which cover 100 % of the costs.


Your external counselling in the company

You benefit from our cooperation with INIFA – Initiative Fachkräfte, and our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), with which we support small and medium-sized businesses nationwide. 

Your further training with an education voucher

With our intensive executive training programmes, you benefit from the support of the Employment Agency or the Job Centre, which cover 100 % of the costs.

We strengthen your desire for change

– whether climate, indivual or professional.

We support innovative lateral thinkers, switchers, pioneers with vision for the new age.

Your rehabilitation coaching

With your entitlement to benefits for participation in working life (LTA), you benefit from the support of the German Pension Insurance, which covers 100 % of the costs.

Your start-up assistance as a coach

With our business start-up coaching, you will achieve a successful market entry and thus a sustainable start to your self-employment as a coach. Expand your self-employment as a 360° coach and accompany employees of small- and medium-sized companies nationwide in our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). 

We accompany you holistically on the path to professional fulfillment and improvement of your quality of life, with the latest findings in epigenetics, neuroscience and quantum physics. 

Our coaches are nationwide industry experts and regional market experts – they all put their hearts and minds into supporting you in your professional planning and personal growth. So that you can achieve your goals and lead a fulfilled life!

4 Steps in to a happy professional life.

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Apply for AVGS-MAT voucher and send to us!

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Obtaining approval and coaching start!

Erst-Coaching buchen-AVGS Mat Coaching


You start in your new job, without compromise!

Your new job with AVGS-MAT voucher

Finding a job when you have left the job market for a long time presents many searchers with an impossible task. How do I apply and, above all, in which professional field does an applicant see his future. There are many questions that a job seeker who has not been confronted with for a long time must answer.

Our job coaching remedies and, through extensive help, support and classification of your skills, ensure that your educational opportunities improve.

Professional future through
100 % funding

By working with partner companies and possible internships, new experience can be gained in other occupations.

The AVGS-MAT voucher (“activation and placement voucher”) is your way into a new professional future.

Coaching is even more interesting for you with the AVGS-MAT voucher – further training voucher from the employment agency: You do not incur any costs because it is 100% funding and all the costs are borne by the employment agency.

The voucher can be issued by both the employment agency and your job center and is therefore available for unemployment benefits 1 and 2 recipients.

New chance with AVGS-MAT voucher

So you don’t have to worry about how your coaching for your new job remains affordable.

This means that coaching can also be used by anyone who currently has little or no financial resources.

In addition, you can also apply for an AVGS-MAT voucher if you are currently looking for a job but do not receive any benefits.

If you have any questions about how to get an AVGS-MAT voucher from the employment agency, simply contact us or book a free consultation with our coaches.