Springboard to your successful

professional future

Jobcoaching online


Berufliche Neuorientierung online


Führungskräfte Coaching online


Existenzgründer Coaching online


Take your Chance!

Do you want a successful professional reorientation?

Then work with us to develop your individual strategy for successful advancement!

Jobcoaching mit AVGS MAT kostenfrei

cost coverage

The AVGS-MAT voucher
(“activation and placement voucher”) is your way into a new professional future.

The AVGS-MAT voucher
is paid for by the employment agency and is 100% subsidised, so that you do not incur any costs.
No costs arise for you.

Find out here how to apply for the AVGS-MAT.»

Jobcoaching bundesweit online

coaching network

All our coaches have systemic-integral coaching training and additional psychological qualifications. Our coaches are there for you nationwide.

Nationwide industry experts and regional market experts – all with heart and mind in supporting you in your professional planning and personal growth.

So that you can achieve your goals and lead a fulfilled life!

Here you can find all coaches and their specifications.»

Online Coaching bundesweit JobChanger.international


All coaching sessions can be offered flexibly online or by telephone. No matter whether you are a single parent tied to child care or cannot be mobile for health reasons.

You have the freedom of individual coach choice, which is thus fully aligned with your professional goals.

Find out here on our Coach-Finder page.»

Zertifiziertes Coaching JobChanger.international


All our coaching formats are AZAV certified and are regularly tested.

Psychologically founded and based on empirically tested quality concepts, we offer you a holistic coaching method. In cooperation with experts, much more is often possible than you can imagine at the moment.

Find out your grant possibility.»

Jobcoaching online bundesweit AVGS

Quantumfield Coaching for your success

Not all factors that block us in our professional, health, financial, partnership or other private goals are always obvious. These disturbances and blockages are addressed by the  relatively new information field technology. 

Within the framework of TimeWaver Quantumfield Coaching, invisible factors that hinder you in achieving your goals will become visible. If the influences are on the table, they can be brought back into a good balance in the next step.

This also involves the dissolution of obstructive beliefs, unconscious patterns and blockages. Our TimeWaver Quantum Coaching is perfect for all people who want to make profound changes in their lives.

Modern quantum physics meets coaching

The new TimeWaver technology uses the experience of the physicist Burkhard Heim and the knowledge of quantum physics. In modern quantum physics, the information field that connects mind and matter has long been known.

This matter-mind interaction is used in TimeWaver quantum coaching to help people deal with invisible blockages and to support them in achieving their goals more effectively. The TimeWaver programme is not only applicable for private problems. 

Companies can also benefit from TimeWaver coaching in many ways. Possible topics for a TimeWaver company coaching are, for example, preparation for foundation, profit optimisation, vision finding and reorientation of the company, as well as a harmonious working atmosphere.

Holistic analysis for your success

With the help of the information field technology we analyse your life and work areas holistically. In doing so, we search for invisible influences that lead to current blockages, disturbances and problems. The comprehensive analysis takes into account various levels, such as the mental, spiritual, energetic, physical and systemic levels.

Obstructive biochemical processes and inherited basic dispositions can also be brought to the surface and harmonised with the help of the holistic TimeWaver analysis. In order to help you achieve your goals in the long term, we look at the development potential of the various areas of your life.

Only when private issues as well as professional success and relationships can be brought into a good balance can holistic success be achieved.

Transform unconscious beliefs

Whether problems with colleagues, persistent lack of professional success, financial restrictions, general unwellness or other difficulties – the background for these problems can be deep-seated blockages.

With the help of a holistic analysis, these blocking patterns can be discovered. But not only that, with the help of the information field these blockages can also be released and transformed into something helpful. Negative beliefs are transformed for the better. 

As a result, your decisions also change and are more likely to lead to desired goals. Are you ready to discover your unconscious blockages, your belief patterns and sabotage programmes? Then you are welcome to register for our TimeWaver Quantum Coaching.

Jobcoaching bundesweit online

To see clearly,
changing one’s perspective is often enough.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Jobcoaching online bundesweit AVGS

Coaching for your professional Reorientation

Would you like to work in a completely different profession because you have realised that it is time for a job change? Are your current activities too strenuous or no longer fun for you? Are you working in an industry that has been particularly affected by the Corona crisis, in tourism perhaps, or in the hospitality industry?

Then it is time to make changes to your professional environment. Even if it sounds difficult to work in another profession: There are more doors open to career switchers than ever before, so you can take up a different activity and create a working life with less stress, but with meaning and fun.

Successful professional reorientation as your opportunity

Many companies have realised that recruiting activities could be particularly worthwhile right now. Because there is much to suggest that there are good opportunities for them to attract new, highly motivated employees these days. And not necessarily only from those areas where the Corona crisis was felt particularly strongly. However, it is important to clarify which path to the desired profession is necessary as a career changer. How do I present my job qualification as an industry outsider?

What transition strategy do I choose? How do I obtain the necessary training and qualifications, where do I find them and what support can I count on?

Our coaching sessions prepare you for your new job.

With our tests and questions, we analyse exactly which occupational areas you are suited for and which support options – for example, within the framework of retraining – will help you master the path.

Together with you, we develop a roadmap to change your career perspective and support you in achieving your goals as a career changer or career changer. In addition, through our activities in personnel acquisition for companies, we have the opportunity to place many participants in their new jobs already during the coaching.

Professional reorientation or separation from your previous employer

– it is time to make important decisions. JobChanger.international is your expert when it comes to the question of which career development best suits your personality traits, values and skills.

Not only will you receive step-by-step help on the path from your current situation to a successful new direction, with our proven methods you will also receive the tools to be able to decide with certainty whether this job or this company is a good fit for you in every job offer. 

Clarity instead of confusion!

With us, you develop a system for yourself with your personal selection criteria, with which you can repeatedly check every job and every corporate culture for a perfect fit.

Our experienced career coaches will work with you to analyse your opportunities and goals, optimise your informative documents and self-presentation, build your professional network and prepare you for video interviews. Also ask us about strategies to create your digital personality on professionally relevant online platforms.

No compromise when choosing your next job!

In cooperation with experts, much more is often possible than you can imagine at the moment. If you are willing to develop – new worlds open up. With suitable further training or additional qualifications, you can supplement your professional profile and quickly things become possible that you had ruled out from the start. 

Disclaimer: Science and orthodox medicine do not recognise the existence of information fields and their medical and other significance due to a lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.

Jobcoaching bundesweit onlineIt’s never too late
to be what could have been.

George Elliot

Karriere Coaching bundesweit online JobChanger.international

Career development doesn’t have to be left to chance. 

Are you about to change your career and do not know what to expect?

We plan your professional future together and work out an individual strategy for your advancement.

Changes determine our lives – also at work

Our daily demands on our lives are changing – our ideas of what our careers and everyday life should look like are also developing. It is therefore not surprising that many experienced workers change jobs several times in the course of their working lives.

But nowadays even academics are faced with decisions in their personal professional development that can only be made as good as possible with competent advice and professional analysis of their own skills and the current job market. Regardless of whether you are aiming for a professional reorientation or a separation from your previous employer – it is time to make important decisions.

JobChanger.international is your expert when it comes to the question of which professional development best suits your personality traits, values and skills. Our experienced career coaches work with you to analyse your chances and goals, optimize your application and your self-presentation, build your professional network and prepare you for video interviews. Also ask us about the strategies for creating your digital personality on professionally relevant online platforms.

Individual outplacement Reorientation – your way out of the professional crisis

Our goal is to ensure that your career does not stall, even if you are about to leave your previous employer. That is why we work with you to find your new professional target position that is in line with your own potential.

  • We accompany you in your search for new professional alternatives, sharpen your profile and develop your personal implementation plan to achieve your professional and private goals.
  • We help you quickly and reliably to experience and use a career change as a personal opportunity.
  • We support you both in the search for vacancies and in the search on the hidden job market.

The outplacement coaching takes place between 4 to 12 months, if desired, and only ends with your successful repositioning or business start-up.

If desired, a three-month onboarding coaching can help you to establish yourself in your new job and to feel safe.

Jobcoaching bundesweit onlineA firm resolution
is the most important instrument for success.

Lord Chesterfield

Jobcoaching online bundesweit AVGS

Coaching for professional independence

You like to create new things and want to become independent with your ideas?

Coaching for a successful future as an entrepreneur

Do you love freedom and don’t want to work in a permanent job? Do you have excellent ideas that you would like to implement alone or in a team?

The implementation of your ideas and products in your own company is not always as difficult as you imagine. Nevertheless, some hurdles have to be overcome in order to start successfully in an independent future. In addition to the business plan, financial requirements and tax requirements, your own structures must also be adjusted so that you can get off to have a promising start as an entrepreneur.

The main thing is to clarify which skills you have yourself, how you can make the best possible use of them and which services you have to compensate for by other personnel so that you are not faced with unforeseen tasks.

Lower our coachings for entrepreneurs accompany you from the idea to the successful implementation. With the help of standardized, internationally recognized tests and our professional competence, we support you in the long term to success. In this way, you can be sure that you are not alone when you are starting up and building up.

Our individual coaching for business founder

Our many years of practical experience have shown us that successful business startups depend on three core areas.

The following three modules of our start-up coaching address precisely these essential core areas:

Modul 1:
Consciousness training

This is not just about what you do, but also about who you are and why you do it. Together, we bring your dream of your own business to the finish line.

We build a secure foundation with clear values, content and goals. Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love together with your unique abilities make you unstoppable …

Modul 2:
Business figures and digitalisation of business processes

Figures, data, facts are part of the business. Together, we bring structure to your visions. Because, if the basis for the administrative tasks is, you have more time for your core business.

Together, we create a business plan that gives you an understanding of your numbers & modern corporate management and your success.

Modul 3:
Marketing Strategy, Customer Acquisition and Sales Increase 

We show you how to easily acquire customers and generate secure, constant sales.

For your services and products, we develop effective marketing strategies that best suit you and your company.

Sensitive but also goal-oriented, we support you with creative ideas and our knowledge. This is how you will find many new customers quickly and easily.

    Jobcoaching bundesweit online

    Paths are created by walking them.

    Franz Kafka

    Your coaching for professional reorientation and job change

    Are you looking for a professional reorientation after burnout? Are you ready for a job change for personal reasons? Would you like to try a lateral move into another industry? We are happy to help you with all these concerns. Together we will find a fulfilling job for you. Once you have your dream job in mind, we will advise you on opportunities for further qualification and lateral entry programmes. Perhaps you can also imagine setting up your own business or doing it as a sideline? We are the right people to talk to about this too.

    Fear of job change and reorientation at 50 plus

    Career changes are rarely easy. We can help you find the courage, stamina and self-confidence for a professional reorientation or job change at an older age. Whether you lose your job at 30, experience burnout at 40 or are looking for a new job at 50 plus – we are at your side as a reliable partner. We meet your fear, your insecurities and your worries about financial bottlenecks with a lot of empathy and practical advice. As experienced job changers, we have been on the road for many years as job change advisors and coaches for professional reorientation. Therefore, we know only too well that there are usually many more career opportunities and new job possibilities than expected. 

    Counselling with AVGS voucher: Find a new job now!

    Whether it’s online coaching or face-to-face counselling for career reorientation – with an AVGS voucher we support you free of charge. You can obtain the activation and placement voucher from your local employment agency or job centre. We will also be happy to help you apply for an AVGS. We want your application for your dream job to be successful. If you wish, we can take a closer look at your application documents and make suggestions for optimisation. You can also use our practical exercises to prepare for your job interview. In a familiar environment, we will make you fit for your job change and ensure that you get better with every application!

    A new career start with the best support

    Have you been toying with the idea of changing your job for a long time, but don’t dare take the first step? Or are you overwhelmed by the professional reorientation? Let us help you with your new career start. To turn your professional situation around, we will analyse your job prospects, the vacancies on the market and your financial goals with you. As soon as you have developed an idea regarding your dream job, industry and desired company, we will take care of your qualifications. Training, studies or rather retraining? Together we will determine which qualifications are necessary and conceivable for you. Of course, we will also look at the financial side of the job change or professional reorientation. Start a new career with us now!

    Leadership coaching for the best role models

    Do you want to become a good leader? Or do you want to increase your effectiveness as a supervisor? In our executive coaching, we show you how to improve your relationship with your employees, avoid many conflicts from the outset and find new solutions to difficulties. You can also expand your behavioural repertoire and get to know your appropriate leadership style. If you lead, you have to relate to your counterpart – even if different personalities come together. We help you to take a close look at your own thought patterns and beliefs and strengthen your competence as a leader.

    For leaders with open questions and ambiguities

    Managers are usually confronted with great demands and at the same time have few opportunities for open exchange. That is why we are available to you as a professional and neutral contact partner. In our executive coaching we clarify your open questions, clear up ambiguities and support your personal development. Do you want to experience good leadership in order to better transfer what you have learned into your everyday leadership? Then our leadership training is perfect for you. We try out action-oriented scenarios in a practical way and also provide you with the appropriate leadership theory. Start your personal development now.

    Better leadership with digital leadership

    In the digital age, the working world is becoming increasingly agile, complex and networked. Do you want to lead your employees better through the digital transformation? Then take advantage of our Digital Leadership Coaching. We make you fit for digital topics and show you the most important digital skills. As a future digital leader, you will also learn about new digital forms of work and organisation. Digital business models, company processes and value chains work in a different way – in our Digital Leadership Coaching we will enlighten you. Digital leadership redefines leadership and requires a different mindset, skillset and toolset. Use our Digital Leadership Coaching to prepare yourself optimally for digital leadership.

    Become a leader with career coaching

    Do you want to become a leader in your company? Our career coaching will make you fit for your new leadership role and help you to quickly convince your superiors. Whether it’s leadership tools, interview techniques or conflict resolution methods – we’ll show you the most important tools used by managers. You will also learn about the soft skills of managers. In addition to self-reflection, a good work-life balance and the ability to delegate, managers also need the ability to take criticism and a good understanding of their leadership role. With our career coaching, you are guaranteed to develop personally and strengthen your skills as a future leader. 

    Advice on setting up a business and start-up coaching

    Being successful as a founder? With the right start-up knowledge, you increase your chances of long-term entrepreneurial success. Whether you are self-employed or starting up as a sideline business – we will help you to start your business well-prepared. Take advantage of our start-up coaching to concretise your business idea, develop a viable business concept, clarify all formalities and write a sustainable success story. We are your experts for all questions concerning your self-employment or your start-up as a sideline business.

    Start-up advice with an AVGS voucher

    Have you received an AVGS voucher from the job centre or employment agency? In this case, our start-up advice is free of charge for you. In addition to the AVGS voucher, counselling for business start-ups is also financially supported by many federal states. Let us advise you on the funding conditions and use our expertise to apply for funding. We will be happy to help you find out whether you are entitled to subsidies for the costs of counselling. To do so, contact us by phone, email or via our contact form.

    Your contact for business start-ups and Sideline business

    There are a number of hurdles to overcome on the way to setting up a business. With us, you have a reliable, experienced and practical partner at your side. Our start-up coaching helps you to avoid mistakes in advance and to keep your bearings even when faced with difficult questions. We will help you with the suitability of your start-up, start-up subsidies, legal issues for start-ups and marketing. With our support, your business plan will be ready in no time. In addition, we support you in financing matters. Arrange a business start-up consultation today and find out which funding programmes are suitable for your project.

    Get started now and set up your own business

    We tell start-up entrepreneurs everything they need to know about the start-up process. As experienced business start-up advisors, we provide you with a guide for your successful start-up. We support you with valuable start-up knowledge and accompany your business start-up from the idea to the implementation. We will be happy to analyse your business idea for start-up suitability and marketability. In the next step, we will give you an insight into the legal regulations, start-up grants, start-up funds and loan applications for founders. If desired, we will also support you in the application process and in the preparation of a business plan for start-ups. You can also take advantage of our subsidised start-up coaching or our start-up advice with an AVGS voucher. We look forward to hearing about your start-up idea.